Daiwa Lexa 400 Baitcasting Reel - High Speed - Dual Paddle Handle (FREE SHIPPING)
Daiwa offers exactly what anglers have been asking for in the Lexa LX300/400. It offers a new level of palmability, reliable and precise UTD carbon drag, Magforce cast control, Infinite Anti-Reverse, and new Eva handle knobs, which are sure to be a hit with the guys chasing big toothy critters. It’s a great reel choice for anything from saltwater fishing to muskie fishing or any application where you need a larger, low-profile reel. There are a lot of opportunities with this reel in Florida, where anglers are fishing big swimbaits and bucktails for snook.This reel can be used for everything from yellowtail to calico bass; there are even guys fishing bluefin tuna with it. Then there are the bass and stripper markets, where the reel fits perfectly. This Lexa reel has a double paddle handle.<br><br>Bearings: 6(2CRBB) + 1 <br>Gear Ratio: 6.3: 1 <br>Line Per Crank (inch): 33.4"<br>Weight (oz): 16.9<br>Mono Capacity: 17/245, 20/190 <br>J Braid Capacity: 40/300, 65/200 <br>Drag Max: 25<br>Handle Position: Right
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